








Ambassador Fitsum Arega



















The visit of Djiboutian Public Diplomacy Delegation a game-changer in taking people-to-people relations to the next level:: State Minister Amb. Birtukan
During a welcoming ceremony in honour of the Djiboutian Public Diplomacy Delegation in Sheger City on 04 July 2023, H.E. Amb. Birtukan Ayano, State Minister at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs noted the historic trip shows that the thriving relation between Ethiopia and Djibouti is gaining traction. It is a a game-changer in taking our people-to-people relations to the next level, Amb. Birtukan added. The driving force behind our active engagements is the political commitment of our leaders and the shared aspirations of our brotherly people, the state minister noted. Welcoming the PD delegation, the Mayor of Sheger City, Dr. Teshome Adugna called for the establishment of twinning between the sisterly cities of Djibouti and Sheger City. [...]
State Minister Amb. Mesganu Held Political Consultation with Kazakhstan Counterpart
State Minister for Foreign Affairs, H.E. Amb. Mesganu Arga held political consultation with his Kazakhstan counterpart, H.E. Kanat Tumysh, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan on bilateral, regional, and multilateral venues of mutual interest and cooperation. In his remarks, Amb. Mesganu lauded the Consultation as an ideal platform for further cementing bilateral and multilateral ties and boosting Ethio-Kazakhstan economic cooperation. Further consolidation of longstanding political, security and socio-cultural cooperation is also part of the political consultation. Deputy Minister Tumysh also expressed his gratitude to the Government of Ethiopia for its continued support and vowed to further bolster the multifaceted cooperation between the two countries. [...]
DPM and FM Demeke Receives Hon. Kelly
H.E. Demeke Mekonnen Hassen, Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Ethiopia earlier today received Honourable Trent Kelly, a Member of the Houses of Representatives of the United States. Their discussion focused on deepening the bilateral relations and current development in the Horn of Africa. Representative Trent Kelly commended the Government of Ethiopia for the improvement it has made since the signing of the Pretoria Peace Agreement. The decision of the U.S. Government to lift the human rights violation designation helps to further strengthen bilateral and international cooperation, he noted.Honourable Kelly said Ethiopia is important partner to the U.S. and called for continued dialogue to address other outstanding issues as well. H.E.Demeke, on his part , briefed Honourable Kelly about the ongoing socio-economic developments in Ethiopia and stated the need to support its post conflict peace-building efforts. He also welcomed the decision of the U.S. and said Ethiopia expects continued support from the international community, at large and the U.S., in particular, in its reconstruction and rehabilitation efforts. Both sides concurred on the need for concerted efforts to address peace and security challenges in the Horn of Africa. [...]
A Week in the Horn
Resolving the Problem in Sudan: The Need for Coherent and Coordinated Action New Agreement to Construct Cross-border Highway between Ethiopia and South Sudan to Boost Economy and Cement Peace Project ‘good neighbourliness’ to encourage borderland cooperation between Ethiopia, Kenya, and Somalia B2B Event in Djibouti Showcases Ethiopia’s Potential for Growth and Investment Africa and the African Union The African Union Commission (AUC) and the Vaccine Alliance (Gavi) signed Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on Monday (May 15) to increase access and accelerate the uptake of life-saving vaccines across African Union member states towards supporting immunization, providing technical and learning assistance and strengthening health systems. The African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) on Monday (May 15) commissioned a water project in the Lower Shabelle region of Somalia. The facility will provide potable water to over 200 homes and reduce the long distance that people used to travel, especially women and children, in search of water. Ethiopia During its 19th Regular Meeting on Tuesday (May 16), the House of Peoples’ Representatives (HPR) approved bills on Extradition and Cooperation in Criminal Matters between the Governments of Ethiopia and Türkiye and the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The bill was initially approved by the Council of Ministers (CoM) in January this year. Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Molly Phee, during a three-day (May 14–16) official visit to Addis Ababa, met with Prime Minister Abiy and Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Demeke Mekonnen and conferred on bilateral, regional, and multilateral issues of mutual interest. The Vice President of the Republic of Colombia, Francia Elena, who arrived in Addis Ababa on Wednesday (May 17) for an official working visit to Ethiopia, met and discussed with President Sahle-Work Zewde, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, and Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister, Demeke Mekonnen. The Vice President’s discussions with high-level Ethiopian officials revolved around strengthening Colombia-Ethiopia ties through various engagements. During their discussion, Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Demeke expressed his appreciation for Colombia’s decision to reopen its embassy in Ethiopia after 50 years, recalling that the two countries have similar experiences in international forums. He told the Colombian Vice President that Ethiopia is interested in working in cooperation with Colombia in the fields of trade, investment, tourism, aviation, and technology. Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Ethiopia, Demeke Mekonnen, conferred on Tuesday (May 16) with Ethiopia’s Honorary Consul in Belarus, Dmitry Lukashenko. Demeke stated that it is high time that Ethiopia and Belarus strive towards strengthening bilateral ties, among others in the areas of investment, tourism, agricultural mechanization and mining. Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Demeke Mekonnen had a telephone conversation with Prince Faisal bin Farhan Al Saud, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Saudi Arabia, on Tuesday (May 16). The two sides exchanged views on a number of issues of mutual concern. They agreed to further strengthen the bilateral relations between the two countries, including regarding Ethiopians residing in Saudi Arabia. The conversation also included an exchange of views on the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s ongoing efforts to help the parties in Sudan reach a negotiated settlement. Demeke commended the Sudanese sides, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and the United States of America for their joint efforts in facilitating the signing of the Jeddah Declaration of Commitment. Demeke also assured the Foreign Minister of Saudi Arabia of Ethiopia’s commitment to supporting Sudan in reaching a peaceful settlement through a Sudanese-owned process. Regarding the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD), Demeke reiterated to the Foreign Minister the need to respect and support the African Union-facilitated trilateral negotiations. He cautioned that any pronouncement by the League of Arab States on this matter of great importance to Ethiopia and the rest of Africa must not be counterproductive to the trilateral negotiations. Permanent Representative of Ethiopia to the African Union and the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), Ambassador Ayele Lire, presented his Letter of Credence to the Acting Executive Secretary of the UNECA, Antonio Pedro, on May 16. This week the National Bank of Ethiopia issued the first foreign mobile money licence to Safaricom’s M-Pesa to operate in the country as a licenced mobile money firm. The licence, coming seven months after the commercial launch of GSM services, will open the country to the world’s largest mobile payment system and Africa’s largest Fintech, and the world’s first mobile money transfer system. Ethiopia has earned 172.25 million USD from mineral exports over the past nine months of the current fiscal year. The Ministry of Mines presented its nine-month plan and its performance report for the current Ethiopian fiscal year. Strategic Affairs executive officer at the ministry, Meseret Nigusei, said the nation has produced 2.68 tonnes of gold, 255.7 tonnes of jewellery minerals, and 164.05 tonnes of tantalum. Ethiopia began selling shares to raise funds required to set up its first-ever securities exchange as Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed pushes to modernize eastern Africa’s largest economy. The sale, which kicked off in the capital on Tuesday (May 16) aims to mobilize 75% of the required funding, said Michael Habte, a project manager for the planned Ethiopia Securities Exchange, or ESX. UNOCHA announced on Wednesday (May 17) that recent floods in Ethiopia have caused significant displacement of people and damage in the country’s south and east. With more than 35,000 households displaced and more than 45 lives lost, Somali Region is the most affected. More than 23,000 livestock have died, while nearly 100,000 hectares of farmland has been destroyed. Food, shelter, agriculture, nutrition and health support are the top humanitarian needs. Eritrea During his state visit to Beijing over the week, President Isaias Afwerki and, President Xi Jinping, held extensive talks on Monday (May 15) on enhancement of strategic bilateral ties and regional matters between Eritrea and China. President Isaias also met with Premier Li Qiang of the State Council to capitalise on further enhancing bilateral ties. Djibouti The Ethiopian Embassy in Djibouti participated in a highly successful Business-to-Business (B2B) platform organized by AfroValley, an Ethiopian-based company, fostering valuable exchanges between companies from Ethiopia and Djibouti. This event served as a platform to showcase Ethiopia’s unique coffee industry, explore import-export prospects, and highlight the Ethiopian government’s commitment to creating an efficient and investor-friendly business environment. (See article) Kenya Three neighbouring East African nations—Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia—launched a joint “Borderlands Project”, on Thursday (May 11), at Mandera, the North Eastern County of Kenya. The project, which is also named “Deris Wanaag” in Kiswahili to signify “good neighbourliness,” is aimed at enhancing the socio-economic development of the communities living around the cross-border areas of the common cluster. (See article) Singaporean Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, during a visit to the country on Thursday met with President William Ruto and discussed matters of mutual interest between the two countries, including ways of fostering greater trade and investment facilitation. During a media briefing on Wednesday (May 17), the Commissioner of the Office of the Data Protection Commissioner (ODPC), Immaculate Kassait, announced that the East African nation has been voted to host the next Network of Africa Data Protection Authorities (NADPA) general assembly slotted for next year in a meeting held in Burkina Faso. Somalia President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud paid a two-day (May 16–17 ) state visit to Qatar. During the visit, he met with Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani and discussed ways of further enhancing bilateral ties, including in the areas of security and economic cooperation. Floods caused by the annual rains have left “a trail of destruction” across Somalia, a United Nations spokesman, Stephane Dujarric, said, citing inundated homes and farmland as well as the shutdown of health facilities. South Sudan Ethiopia and South Sudan inked an agreement on Thursday (May 18) to construct the Paloch-Mathiang-Maiwut-Pagak Road in Juba. President Salva Kiir Mayardit witnessed the signing ceremony for the construction of the highway, which connects western Ethiopia with north-eastern South Sudan. The agreement was signed by Eyob Tekalign, State Minister of Finance of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, and, on behalf of the Republic of South Sudan, Finance Minister Dier Tong Ngor. (See article) South Sudan’s leaders have conducted consultations with experts on transitional justice mechanisms to help the country implement Chapter 5 of the 2018 revitalised peace agreement. The three-day (May 15–17) conference was attended by experts from Ethiopia, the Gambia, South Africa and Rwanda and called for the establishment of the critical commission on truth, reconciliation and healing, which is very important for post-conflict recovery. On Monday (May 15), Minister for Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management Albino Akol Atak told reporters based in Juba, South Sudan has opened a new refugee camp in its northern region to receive people fleeing conflicts in neighbouring Sudan. UNESCO House on Tuesday (May 16) hosted an exclusive peace meeting with producer-director Forest Whitaker, featuring the screening of his film “For the Sake of Peace.” The filmmakers, supported by the Whitaker Peace and Development Initiative, focused on South Sudan, the world’s youngest state. Sudan It has now been a little more than a month since the conflict in Sudan erupted between the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) on April 15, 2023. The repercussions of whatever occurs in Sudan will be felt throughout the region. Ethiopia is deeply concerned with the continuation of the conflict and the increasing human cost and material damage. The peace and stability of Sudan is the peace and stability of the region. As Ethiopia shares a lot in common with Sudan, including people of similar kinship, borders, resources, and a common aspiration of achieving peace and stability as well as development, it wishes the immediate resolution of the conflict by peaceful means. (See article) In a joint press release on Wednesday (May 17), OCHA and UNHCR called for US$3 billion to rush life-saving aid and protection to people impacted by the Sudan crisis. The Sudan Regional Refugee Response Plan seeks $470.4 million to support refugees, returnees and host communities in the Central African Republic, Chad, Egypt, Ethiopia and South Sudan, the statement read. Resolving the Problem in Sudan: The Need for Coherent and Coordinated Action It has now been a little more than a month since the conflict in Sudan erupted between the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) on April 15, 2023. The repercussions of whatever occurs in Sudan will be felt throughout the region. Ethiopia is deeply concerned with the continuation of the conflict and the increasing human cost and material damage. The peace and stability of Sudan is the peace and stability of the region. As Ethiopia shares a lot in common with Sudan, including people of similar kinship, borders, resources, and a common aspiration of achieving peace and stability as well as development, it wishes the immediate resolution of the conflict by peaceful means. Ethiopia, as it has been doing for a long time, stands with the brotherly and sisterly people of Sudan at this difficult time. It therefore opposes any external intervention that aggravates the crisis, as it will only prolong the misery of the people of Sudan. Achieving peace in Sudan is in the best interest of the parties and, above all, the people of Sudan. It is, therefore, necessary for the parties to choose the path of peace. The international community should also support genuine initiatives that ensure the ownership of the Sudanese in resolving the conflict peacefully. A peace process owned by the Sudanese will thus be critical to achieving long-term peace in the country. It is noticeable that there are multiple actors in the current crisis in Sudan. We have seen a number of initiatives. In this context, the proliferation of peace initiatives may not help in resolving the conflict. Uncoordinated and competing, sometimes conflicting, initiatives will mostly serve to exacerbate the crisis. That is why a genuine dialogue and peace process owned by the parties themselves is the way forward. Ethiopia`s recent experience in resolving the conflict in northern Ethiopia can be regarded as an example of such an approach. Based on the principle of “African solutions to Africa`s problems,” the continental organization-the African Union (AU), and the regional block, the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), can play a leading role in facilitating the peace talks in the Sudan. Considering the intensity of the conflict and its increasing damage, an immediate ceasefire should be the target. Once the guns are silenced, the next step will be a permanent cessation of hostilities among the parties. In this regard, it is encouraging that the two parties have commenced dialogue and that the representatives of SAF and RSF signed the Declaration of Commitment on May 11, 2023, in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Safeguarding civilian lives at all times is necessary. This would have also opened an opportunity for the parties to engage themselves in taking confidence-building measures. The reports from the ground, nonetheless, show the conflict has continued unabated with huge human and material costs. As long as there is political will, a peaceful settlement of the conflict is possible. A political dialogue that includes the multiple political actors, armed or civilian, in Sudan should follow any immediate cessation of hostilities the parties might reach. Before the outbreak of the current crisis, the Sudanese actors were in the process of reaching a permanent political settlement through the December 5, 2022 Framework Agreement. The Trilateral Mechanism of IGAD, AU, and United Nations supervised the Sudanese parties inking the Framework Agreement with the support of the Troika (the UK, Norway, and USA) and the Quad consisting of Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom, and the United States. It was the coherent and coordinated action and endeavour of the international community that helped realize the Framework Agreement. The ongoing crisis also requires such a coordinated approach. This will facilitate a peace dialogue owned by the people of Sudan and the multiple Sudanese political actors and yield a positive outcome. The call of the people of Sudan in every medium available with the slogan “#No_to_war” also rings out to the international community. Such a call will only be answered with the willingness of the parties to negotiate and the coordinated approach of friends of Sudan who genuinely seek the country`s peace and stability. New Agreement to Construct Cross-border Highway between Ethiopia and South Sudan to Boost Economy and Cement Peace Ethiopia and South Sudan inked an agreement on Thursday (May 18) to construct the Paloch-Mathiang-Maiwut-Pagak Road in Juba. President Salva Kiir Mayardit witnessed the signing ceremony for the construction of the highway, which connects western Ethiopia with north-eastern South Sudan. The agreement was signed by Eyob Tekalign, State Minister of Finance of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, and, on behalf of the Republic of South Sudan, Finance Minister Dier Tong Ngor. During the ceremony, President Kiir said, “Our hope is to move together to help one another; this is what our people want to see. This is a strategic project that connects our people and serves their needs.” He said that the cross-border highway project would strengthen economic ties as well as enhance the free movement of people and goods in the Horn of Africa. From the Ethiopian side, the State Minister of Finance, Eyob Tekalign, said that the construction of this road will not only provide seamless commercial connectivity but also rectify the artificial border separation and bring the people of two sisterly countries much closer. He said the project is a historical and significant development, adding, “When the road is completed, it will reduce the cost of doing business in the region.” Dhenge Boru, State Minister of Transport and Logistics of South Sudan; Mohammed Abdurahman from the Ethiopian Roads Authority; Ethiopian Ambassador to Kenya, General Bacha Debele; Ethiopian Ambassador to South Sudan, Nebil Mahdi; and various Ethiopian and South Sudanese higher officials were in attendance. The signing ceremony that took place in Juba recognized the initiatives and commitments demonstrated by the heads of state of the two governments to boost bilateral cooperation between the two sisterly countries. During the ceremony, both sides exchanged views on enhancing infrastructure development, including electricity, oil pipelines, and other components that accelerate regional economic integration. The most anticipated construction of this road is expected to impact the economic activities of the sisterly countries as well as play a pertinent role in cementing peace in parts of the regions of both countries. Project ‘good neighbourliness’ to encourage borderland cooperation between Ethiopia, Kenya, and Somalia Three neighbouring East African nations—Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia—launched a joint “Borderlands Project”, on May 11, 2023, at Mandera, the North Eastern County of Kenya. The project, which is also named “Deris Wanaag” in Kiswahili to signify “good neighbourliness,” is aimed at enhancing the socio-economic development of the communities living around the cross-border areas of the common cluster. The joint project, which is to be financed by the government of the United Kingdom, is estimated to cost around 13 million USD (Ksh1.7 billion) in the first three years of its implementation. Rigathi Gachagua, Deputy President of the Republic of Kenya; Binalf Andualem, Minister of Peace of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia; Prof. Kithure Kindiki, Interior Cabinet Secretary (Minister) of the Republic of Kenya; and Mohamed Ahmed Sheikh, Minister of Security of the Federal Republic of Somalia; Jane Marriot, High Commissioner of the United Kingdom to the Republic of Kenya, were present at the launching ceremony of the project. The aforementioned Ministers of the Parties in the joint project also convened trilateral meetings on a range of issues, including the approach to the implementation of the project to counter the perennial insecurity and instability in the region. The project is aimed at bringing an everlasting solution by addressing the challenges related to the predominantly witnessed insurgency in the cluster and addressing the root causes of the problem. The project was initiated in partnership with the United Kingdom and will be implemented in the borderland areas of Mandera County, Kenya, which have been suffering from several incidents of insurgent attacks. During the launching ceremony, the three parties reaffirmed their respective nations’ commitment to the implementation of the project, stressing its indispensability for fighting against terrorism and violent extremism in the region. B2B Event in Djibouti Showcases Ethiopia’s Potential for Growth and Investment The Ethiopian Embassy in Djibouti participated in a highly successful Business-to-Business (B2B) platform organized by AfroValley, an Ethiopian-based company, fostering valuable exchanges between companies from Ethiopia and Djibouti. This event served as a platform to showcase Ethiopia’s unique coffee industry, explore import-export prospects, and highlight the Ethiopian government’s commitment to creating an efficient and investor-friendly business environment. During the event, Hayder Abdella, the Business Diplomacy Minister Counselor at the Ethiopian Embassy, announced the Ethiopian government’s initiative to streamline business registration and licencing procedures, creating a transparent regulatory framework. This crucial initiative aims to attract foreign direct investment (FDI) and foster sustainable economic growth in Ethiopia. One notable highlight of the B2B event was an exhibition of Ethiopia’s esteemed coffee. Collaborating with a Korean company, the embassy presented a demonstration of the processing techniques behind their signature cold coffee brand, “AYANTU.” This showcase not only underscored the potential for ground-breaking partnerships but also illuminated the abundant investment prospects within Ethiopia’s thriving coffee sector. Complementing the exhibition was an engaging Ethiopian Traditional Coffee ceremony, providing attendees with an authentic cultural experience. Moreover, representatives from the Ethiopian Chamber of Commerce met with their Djiboutian counterparts, further strengthening bilateral business ties and fostering collaboration. The Ethiopian Veterinary Institute showcased their veterinary vaccines and medication, showcasing their expertise in the field. The event facilitated fruitful discussions between Ethiopian companies and their Djiboutian counterparts, with a particular focus on import-export opportunities. Additionally, participants had the opportunity to visit the Djibouti International Free Trade Zone (DIFTZ), gaining valuable insights into the two countries’ economic potential and infrastructure. In light of the recent progressive economic reforms and the immense potential for growth and investment in Ethiopia, the Ethiopian Embassy extended an invitation to companies based in Djibouti to explore and expand their businesses in Ethiopia. [...]
DPM and FM Demeke Receives Ethiopian Honorary Consul in Belarus
Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister, H.E. Mr. Demeke Mekonnen, this morning received at his office, Ethiopia’s Honorary Consul in Belarus, Mr. Dmitry Lukashenko, of the Republic of Belarus. H.E. Demeke warmly welcomed the Honorary Consul to Addis Ababa and expressed the gratitude of the Government of Ethiopia for representing Ethiopia and its people with passion and commitment in the Eastern European nation. He told the latter, “You are out ambassador to Belarus”. He said, it is high time that Ethiopia and Belarus strive towards strengthening bilateral ties, among others in the areas of investment, tourism, agricultural mechanization, and mining. We will do our level best to enhance Ethio-Belarusian relations, Mr. Demeke told Mr. Lukashenko. Mr. Lukashenko, on his part, thanked the DPM and FM for graciously hosting him and vowed to further bolster the historical relations between the two countries. He also commended the recent development and positive changes in Addis Ababa. [...]
Ethiopian Envoy to Uganda Calls for Support to “Dine for Generation”
Ethiopia’s Ambassador to Uganda, H.E. Etsegenet Bezabih invited Ethiopians in Uganda to jointly celebrate upcoming “Africa Day” and called for their support for the “Dine for Generation” Initiatives that aim to scale up tourism in Ethiopia. She made the calls during an event hosted by Ethiopian Embassy in Kampala on May 14, 2023, to officially welcome her as the new Amb. Extraordinary & Plenipotentiary of Ethiopia to Uganda as well as introduce her & new crew to representatives of various Diaspora Associations in Uganda. Members of religious communities, Ethiopian Community Association, Resource Mobilization Task Force Committee, Youth Union, GERD Council, Women’s Networking Platform, Ethiopian Airlines Uganda Area Manager, Ethiopians living in Uganda, & Embassy Staff, attended the program. H.E. Amb. Etsegenet Bezabih warmly welcomed the guests and delivered an opening remark following the Religious Leaders’ Invocation and the Tour of Duty’s best wishes. She expressed her delight and gratitude for the warm family welcome and hospitality she received from the airport to her residence on April 19, 2023, when she arrived in Uganda. Cherishing the cordial relations that the community has had with the Embassy in the past, the Ambassador stated that the favorable responses from the community to the Embassy’s calls on various national issues had been recognized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia. She said that she’s fortunate to be appointed as Ethiopian Ambassador to Uganda. She also introduced new diplomats from the embassy & stated her sincere belief in the current coordinators’ willingness to strengthen the Embassy’s and the community’s solid familial relations.Ambassador Etsgenet urged the Association Representatives to take part in the celebration of Africa Day, which the Group of the African Ambassadors accredited to Uganda will host on May 25, 2023. She also forwarded her calls to the Association to support the Embassy’s ongoing national call to raise funds for the “Dine for Generation” Initiatives, which that aim at developing eight more Ethiopian tourism destinations. [...]
A Week in the Horn
Ethiopia Officially Launches Long-Term Low-Emission and Climate-Resilient Development Strategy Minister of Foreign and European Affairs and Trade of the Republic of Malta pays a visit to Ethiopia Ethiopia-Pakistan: A New Chapter of Revamped Bilateral Relations Ethiopia, Croatia: First Bilateral Consultations Africa and the African Union In a statement issued on Tuesday (May 9), the Chairperson of the African Union Commission, Moussa Faki Mahamat, welcomes the announcement made by the Transition Authorities in Mali on the convening of a constitutional referendum on June 18, 2023, to adopt the new Constitution as part of key collective efforts towards the return to constitutional order. The continental aviation summit, under the theme “The Acceleration of the Single African Air Transport Market,” kicked off in Addis Ababa on Wednesday (May 10). The Secretary General of the African Civil Aviation Commission, Adefunke Adeyemi, stated on the occasion that the integrated air transport market project in Africa is part of the African Union Agenda 2063. It is stated on the forum that 36 African countries, including Ethiopia, have signed up to become part of the market in order to implement integrated air transport in Africa. The Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC) officially launched its Reproductive Health Strategy Priorities 2022–2026 on Friday (May 5, 2023) to improve maternal and reproductive health in Africa and contribute to reducing maternal mortality within the African Union (AU) Member States. The meeting was attended by over 150 participants from 51 out of 55 AU member states, including Ministers of Health, Deputy Ministers, National Public Health institutes, and National Reproductive Health experts. Member States agreed to adopt the Africa CDC Reproductive Health Strategy Priorities 2022-2026 at the national and sub-nation level. The 9th Forum of the African Union Commission on International Law is set to be held in AUC Headquarters, Addis Ababa, from May 15–16, 2023. The 9th AUCIL forum will be held under the theme “International Law, Business Law, and Human Rights in Africa.” Ethiopia Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed welcomed at his office on Thursday (May 11) the Special Envoy of the President of the Republic of South Sudan. “ pleased to receive at my office today the Special Envoy of the President of the Republic of South Sudan”, the Prime Minister wrote on his social media platforms. Ethiopia’s “Long-Term Low Emission and Climate Resilient Strategy” (LT-LEDS) was officially launched on Thursday (May 11) at the Friendship Square in Addis Ababa. Demeke Mekonnen, Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Ethiopia, presided over the high-level event. The Ministry of Planning and Development and the Ministry of Finance organised the event. (See article) A high-level delegation led by  Ian Borg, Minister of Foreign and European Affairs and Trade of the Republic of Malta, paid a three-day working visit (May 8–10, 2023) to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. During its stay in Addis Ababa, the delegation met and exchanged views with Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, Deputy Prime Minister, and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Demeke Mekonnen. The discussions mainly focused on strengthening bilateral relations between the two countries and exploring new areas of cooperation. (Article) A high-level Ethiopian business delegation led by the State Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Mesganu Arga, paid a visit to the Islamic Republic of Pakistan from May 9- 12, 2023).  During its stay, the delegation witnessed the launch of Ethiopian Airlines’ new direct flight between Karachi and Addis Ababa and the official inauguration of the Ethiopian Embassy in Pakistan. The delegation also participated in the Ethiopia-Pakistan Business Forum, and Ambassador Mesganu also held talks with senior Pakistani officials, including the Foreign Minister, Bilawal Bhutto Zardari. (See article) Ethiopia and Croatia conducted, on Wednesday (May 10), the first ever bilateral consultations at the level of the Director Generals of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of the two countries. Both sides explored ways of further strengthening bilateral cooperation. The discussion was mainly focused on an overview and prospects of bilateral relations, potentials for economic cooperation, and coordinating actions on regional and multilateral issues of common concern. (See article) The National Bank of Ethiopia (NBE) has issued a mobile money-service license to Safaricom M-Pesa Mobile Financial Service, it announced on Thursday (May 11). Previously, only Telebirr, part of the state-owned Ethio Telecom network, operated in that market. Kenya-based Safaricom was also the first company to break Ethio Telecom’s monopoly on Ethiopian mobile phone service in October, through its Safaricom Telecommunications Ethiopia subsidiary. The NBE introduced legislation into the Parliamentary Assembly earlier in 2022 to make the private service possible. The number of people fleeing from violence in Sudan and are arriving to Ethiopia via Metema border town have now reached more than 18,000 since 21 21 April, the UN said on Thursday (May 11). For the first time, new arrivals reported at the Pagak/Bubieyr border crossing in the Gambella Region. About 200 South Sudanese refugees, who had previously been hosted in Sudan, crossed into Ethiopia. In late April, West Gonder Zone administration in the Amhara regional state said foreign nationals from at least 23 countries have arrived in Metema Yohannes city of the zone, where they received helps from local communities. State Minister of Finance, Eyob Tekalign, met with Jerome Henique, CEO of Orange Middle East and Africa. The parties discussed the investment opportunities in the telecom sector and how to work together. Eyob reiterated the Government’s commitment to attract investors in the telecom sector and its importance to the national digital transformation and inclusive growth agenda. Henique on his part reiterated Orange’s interest in the Ethiopian market as well as the region. The International Trade Centre (ITC), through its Alliances for Action initiative, on Thursday (May 11) unveiled in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, the Amharic translation of the fourth edition of the world’s most comprehensive, practical source for the international coffee trade, The Coffee Guide. This new edition updates the latest trends of the last decade, especially for quality, digitalization, climate change, finance and risk and consumer preferences. It presents fresh industry data that classify production and consumption numbers by coffee quality segment (standard, premium and specialized) rather than the traditional Arabica/Robusta classification of data. A team of 10 medical experts from the Army Medical University (AMU) of China on Wednesday (May 10) departed for Addis Ababa, capital of Ethiopia, to provide medical aid for a period of one year. The medical team, led by AMU’s Southwest Hospital, is the ninth expert team the university has sent to aid Ethiopia. Experts on the team are from eight of the hospital’s departments, including the hepatological surgery, infectious diseases and radiology departments. Since 2015, 85 experts from the AMU have been dispatched to Ethiopia. The National Electoral Board of Ethiopia (NEBE) stated that it is considering elections in Tigray and other parts of the country where the 6th national election was not held due to various problems. The statement came at a time when the Board presented on Wednesday (May 10) its job evaluation report of the last nine months of the current Ethiopian fiscal year to the Democracy Affairs Standing Committee of the House of Peoples Representatives. Djibouti President Kagame of Rwanda, on Wednesday (May 10), met with a delegation from Djibouti led by Mahmoudi Ali Youssouf, Minister of Foreign Affairs, who brought a message from President Ismail Omar Guelleh. They discussed the security situation in the Horn of Africa as well as the advancement of bilateral cooperation in areas of mutual interest with a focus on trade, the president’s office said. The meeting followed the first Joint Ministerial Commission meeting between Djibouti and Rwanda that took place earlier on Wednesday. Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau spoke with Djibouti’s President Ismail Omar Guelleh, discussing the ongoing mediation efforts in Sudan, said the prime minister’s office on Monday (May 8). “Prime Minister Trudeau expressed deep concern about the conflict in Sudan and its impact on the humanitarian situation and the stability of the region, as well as on the transition to a civilian government in Sudan,” said Canada’s readout of the phone call that took place on Sunday. Kenya President William Ruto on Monday (May 8) made a return to The Hague, as part of his two-day official visit to Netherlands. He met with King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima of the Netherlands at Noordeinde Palace. During the meeting, Ruto noted that Kenya values the cordial relations it enjoys with the Netherlands. The leaders committed to strengthen ties between the two countries for the mutual prosperity of their citizens. Kenya and Israel will work together to eliminate barriers to trade between them. President William Ruto and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said there exists huge potential between the two countries. “We must exploit these opportunities. There are a wide range of exports that deserve to reach the Israel market,” said President Ruto. He said the absence of direct flights between Kenya and Israel is a “serious impediment” that continues to hamper trade and tourism. President Ruto made the remarks on Tuesday (May 9) when he met the Prime Minister of Israel at his office in Jerusalem. The UK and Kenya have signed a new security compact to keep the two countries, peoples and region safe, in a major agreement. The agreement covers the full spectrum of security cooperation between the UK and Kenya, and represents a significant milestone in the security relationship between the two countries. The Security Minister, Tom Tugendhat MP, signed the new agreement with Kenyan Cabinet Secretary for the Interior and National Administration, Professor Kithure Kindiki, in Nairobi this week. The security compact includes £10 million a year of funding to support counter-terrorism programmes, as well as commitments on defence, international cooperation, community security, law enforcement and criminal justice, cyber security, and bilateral, multilateral and regional coordination. Somalia Forces of Somalia’s National Intelligence and Security Agency (NISA) averted a planned al-Shabaab terrorist group attack on Mogadishu’s peace garden park, a popular spot near Somalia’s presidential palace, the country’s Information Ministry said on Monday (May 8). During the operation, the intelligence officers seized suicide vests and an auto rickshaw intended for use in the attack, according to the ministry. South Sudan South Sudan’s Ministry of Finance has contributed $15 million dollars to the World Food Program (WFP) to help it respond to emergency situations in South Sudan. The announcement was made during the signing of an agreement with the WFP Country Director in Juba on Wednesday (May 10). According to South Sudan’s Minister of Finance, Dier Tong Ngor, part of the money is meant to enable WFP to support South Sudanese communities fleeing war in Sudan. South Sudan’s presidential security advisor Tut Gatluak Manimeh on Tuesday (May 9) met Egyptian President Abdelfattah El-Sisi in Cairo to deliver a letter from President Salva Kiir Mayardit on the two countries ties and the ongoing situation in Sudan. Egyptian presidency spokesman Ahmed Fahmy said “Gatluak gave the President a letter from his brother, President Salva Kiir, on ways to strengthen the distinguished bilateral relations between the two fraternal countries.” “This is in addition to reviewing developments in Sudan, and consulting on efforts to resolve the crisis in order to safeguard the safety and security of the fraternal Sudanese people,” the Egyptian presidential aide further added. The top UN officials told the Security Council on Tuesday (May 9) that the violence in Sudan could derail bilateral political progress with neighbouring South Sudan. The Assistant Secretary-General for Africa in the Departments of Political and Peace Building Affairs and Peace Operations, Martha Akyaa Pobee, told the Council that the outbreak of violence in Sudan might deeply impact the chance for political progress on Abyei and border issues. Sudan Sudan’s warring parties signed a commitment late on Thursday (May 11) on guidelines for allowing humanitarian assistance, with talks still ongoing on reaching a ceasefire, US officials said. Representatives of the army and paramilitary forces, who have been fighting for nearly a month, signed the agreement in the Saudi city of Jeddah on a “declaration of commitment to protect the civilians of Sudan,” said a US official involved in the talks. The agreement commits both sides in general terms to let in humanitarian assistance, to allow the restoration of electricity, water and other basic services, to withdraw security forces from hospitals and to arrange for “respectful burial” of the dead. Negotiations are still underway on reaching a new temporary truce to let in aid, with a proposal on the table to halt fighting for 10 days, the US official said, on condition of anonymity. The Human Rights Council, on Thursday, expanded the mandate of its expert on human rights in Sudan to include violations committed during the ongoing conflict between the army and the paramilitary force. Accordingly, the expert will now have a broader scope of responsibility to monitor and report on all human rights violations and abuses since October 25, 2021, including those committed during the ongoing conflict between the Sudanese army and the RSF. Ethiopia Officially Launches Long-Term Low-Emission and Climate-Resilient Development Strategy Ethiopia’s “Long-Term Low Emission and Climate Resilient Strategy” (LT-LEDS) was officially launched on Thursday, May 11, 2023, at the Friendship Square in Addis Ababa. Demeke Mekonnen, Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Ethiopia, presided over the high-level event. The Ministry of Planning and Development and the Ministry of Finance organised the event. Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister, Demeke Mekonnen, stated in his inaugural remarks that climate change continues to drastically affect the livelihoods of our people and around the world by inducing drought and ecological imbalance, among others. Ethiopia’s projects, such as the Green Legacy Initiative (GLI) and capitalising on renewable energy sources, which Ethiopia is endowed with, are part and parcel of the climate agenda, Demeke added. He said that through the GLI, Ethiopia is conducting “Green Diplomacy” in East Africa and wants to expand the engagement at the continental level. After officiating the launch of the LT-LEDS, Demeke also emphasized the need to mainstream the priorities accentuated by the LT-LEDS into our national development plans and sectoral engagements and called upon partners and stakeholders to continuously support the incessant efforts of the Government in effectively implementing the Strategy and tackling the challenges borne of the climate crisis. He also underscored the commitment of the Government to promote it at national and multilateral venues and garner financial and technical support from partners. In her opening remarks, Fitsum Assefa, Minister of Planning and Development, said Ethiopia and other developing countries are bearing the brunt of climate change-induced phenomena such as drought despite minimal contributions. She added that the Government of Ethiopia is committed to effecting a climate-resilient development in tandem with bringing about low emissions of greenhouse gases by 2050. The LT-LEDS needs the concerted efforts of stakeholders for its implementation and success, and developed countries and international partners should continue providing financial and technical support to this initiative, the minister noted. She also underscored the pivotal role Ethiopia plays in championing climate adaptation and resilience at national and international levels. Sandakan Debebe, State Minister of Planning and Development, also gave a brief highlight of the Strategy. Among others, Sandokan addressed the relevance of the LT-LEDS, major climate interventions, investment needs, and financing strategies, as well as the way forward for expedited climate governance.  Fitsum Assefa, Minister of Planning and Development, and Ahmed Shide, Minister of Finance, also presided over a panel discussion on the perennial significance of the strategy to mitigate the risks of climate change and its adverse effects on the livelihoods of people. Ministers, ambassadors, and representatives from international organisations who supported the development of this critical national framework aimed at bridging Ethiopia’s sustainable development, net zero carbon growth and climate resilience objectives attended the historic launching ceremony. It was learned that the long-term planning horizon of the LT-LEDS provides an opportunity to consider interactions, synergies, and trade-offs between different sectoral climate goals and national development priorities. It also provides a roadmap for long-term decarburization and climate-resilient development in Ethiopia. BACK TO TOP Minister of Foreign and European Affairs and Trade of the Republic of Malta pays a visit to Ethiopia A high-level delegation led by  Ian Borg, Minister of Foreign and European Affairs and Trade of the Republic of Malta, paid a three-day working visit (May 8–10, 2023) to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.  During its stay in Addis Ababa, the delegation met and exchanged views with Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, Deputy Prime Minister, and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Demeke Mekonnen. The discussions mainly focused on strengthening bilateral relations between the two countries and exploring new areas of cooperation. Demeke Mekonnen briefed the visiting delegation about the successful implementation of the Pretoria Peace Agreement and ongoing efforts to ensure its full implementation. He also expressed Ethiopia’s appreciation to the Government of Malta for its decision to open an Embassy in Addis Ababa and the continuous training of Ethiopian maritime professionals. Some of these professionals are now leading the Ethiopian Maritime and Logistics Enterprise, which is playing a pivotal role in Ethiopia’s economy.  Demeke urged the Republic of Malta to speak the truth and take fair and balanced positions at the European Union and the UN Security Council on issues of mutual concern.  Ideas were exchanged on the current situation in Sudan and Ethiopia’s commitment to urging both parties to address their differences peacefully. Ethiopia’s efforts in welcoming those fleeing the conflict and facilitating the evacuation of diplomats and citizens of different states were highly appreciated.  The Malta side acknowledged the importance of Ethiopia as a key partner in the Horn and throughout Africa, bridging the link between Europe and Africa. Agreements were reached to encourage Maltese investments in Ethiopia, especially in the logistics and tourism sectors, maritime services, and air services. Strong interest was shown in working on better cooperation in the field of education and training for Ethiopia’s youth.  Malta appreciates the commitment by the Government of Ethiopia to the implementation of the Pretoria Peace Agreement and insures further cooperation in persuading international financial institutions to finance reconstruction and rehabilitation efforts.  Finally, the need to cooperate in encouraging private sector investment and business-to-business relations is stressed. To this end, three agreements were signed (one Air Service Agreement and two Memorandum of Understandings on Cooperation in the Field of Tourism and Diplomatic Training) in the presence of Alemu Seme, Minister of Transport and Logistics; Mengistu Nigusssie, Deputy Director General of the Ethiopian Civil Aviation Authority; Ambassador Nasise Chali, Minister of Tourism; and Jafar Bedru, Deputy Executive Director of the Institution of Foreign Affairs. BACK TO TOP Ethiopia-Pakistan: A New Chapter of Revamped Bilateral Relations A high-level Ethiopian business delegation led by the State Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Mesganu Arga, paid a visit to the Islamic Republic of Pakistan from May 9- 12, 2023). During its stay, the delegation witnessed the launch of Ethiopian Airlines’ new direct flight between Karachi and Addis Ababa and the official inauguration of the Ethiopian Embassy in Pakistan. The delegation also participated in the Ethiopia-Pakistan Business Forum, and Ambassador Mesganu also held talks with senior Pakistani officials, including the Foreign Minister, Bilawal Bhutto Zardari. Relaunching Flights after 20 Years of Interruptions On Tuesday, May 9, 2023, Ethiopian Airlines launched new direct flights between Addis Ababa and Karachi. The inaugural flight that departed from Addis Ababa received a warm welcome by Pakistani Government officials upon arrival at Karachi International Airport. On the flight, Ambassador Mesganu Arga, State Minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia, high-level Government officials, and representatives from various sectors boarded for Karachi. The flight to one of the most populated cities in the world, Karachi, is the 37th destination of Ethiopian Airlines in Asia and connects Addis Ababa and Karachi four times a week, according to the airline. The new flight resumed after nearly two decades of interruption and is expected to connect Ethiopia to Southeast Asia. The flight service of the airline demonstrates the recent Ethiopian and Pakistani efforts to strengthen their bilateral relations to boost trade and investment ties. New flights to Copenhagen, Atlanata, and Abijan are scheduled to be launched in May 2023, expanding the destinations of the multiple award-winning Ethiopian Airlines. Ethiopian Airlines is currently flying to 145 domestic and international destinations on five continents. Ethiopia-Pakistan Business Forum Following its arrival in Pakistan, the Ethiopian delegation took part in the Ethiopia-Pakistan Business Forum on Tuesday, May 9, 2023, in Karachi. The forum was held with the objective of fostering more commercial and investment ties between the two countries. Ambassador Mesganu Arga, State Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia, stated at the beginning of the forum that Ethiopia has been working diligently over the past five years to strengthen its diplomatic and trade relations with Pakistan. He added that Ethiopia is transforming its policies to attract more international investment, urging Pakistani investors to seize the opportunity. He stated that the Ethiopian Government is making a lot of effort to increase trade volume between Ethiopia and Pakistan. The Chief Executive of Trade and Development Authority of Pakistan (TDAP), Muhammad Zubair Motiwala, stated in his address that the beginning of Ethiopian Airlines flights to Karachi will give Pakistan a chance to improve its relations with Africa in addition to Ethiopia. He underlined that the countries should maximize their potential and comparative commercial potential to develop their trade and noted that Ethiopia is a crucial country in Pakistan’s relations with Africa. The forum provided an explanation and discussion of Ethiopia’s economic opportunities and favourable environment. Senior government representatives from various institutions, as well as members of the business community, attend the forum. Ambassador Mesganu meets Pakistan’s Foreign Minister The State Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia, Ambassador Mesganu Arega, met Pakistan Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto Zardari on Wednesday, May 10, 2023, in Karachi. During their discussion, Ambassador Mesganu mentioned the ongoing progress of the two countries diplomatic and economic relations since Ethiopia opened its embassy in Islamabad a year ago. The State Minister reaffirmed the Ethiopian Government’s commitment to strengthen and diversify the two countries bilateral relations. Pakistan’s minister of Foreign Affairs, Bilawal Bhutto Zardari, expressed his appreciation for Ethiopian Airlines’ new direct flight to Karachi, which stands as a symbol of growing friendly ties between the two countries. He also underlined his country’s interest in cooperating with Ethiopia on mutual regional and global issues. The two officials also exchanged views on various bilateral issues to further strengthen historical relations between Ethiopia and Pakistan. Following its engagements in Karachi, the high-level Ethiopian Government delegation travelled to Islamabad, the capital city of Pakistan, for further business and diplomatic activities. Official Inauguration of Ethiopian Embassy in Pakistan The Ethiopian Embassy in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan was officially inaugurated Thursday, May 20, 2023, in the presence of ambassadors and the diplomatic community based in Islamabad. Ambassador Mesganu Arga, State Minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia, and Hina Rabbani Khar, Minister of State of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, cut the inauguration ribbon of the embassy. In his remarks, Ambassador Mesganu said the opening of the Ethiopian Embassy in Islamabad marks a new chapter in the diplomatic, political, economic, and social cooperation between the two countries. He also noted that the embassy has made remarkable progress in a short period of time in advancing bilateral cooperation in a number of fields. According to Ambassador Mesganu, apart from bilateral relations, Ethiopia considers Pakistan a strategic partner in international issues such as climate change, migration, security, and terrorism. The other speaker at the ceremony, Hina Rabbani Khar, Minister of State of Foreign Affairs of Pakistan, mentioned that Ethiopia and Pakistan have common economic and development challenges that need the two countries cooperation to be solved. The State Minister also stressed that the opening of the Ethiopian embassy in Islamabad will play a vital role in enhancing Pakistan’s relations with Africa. Jemal Baker, Ethiopia’s Ambassador in Pakistan, said the establishment of the embassy in Islamabad shows the Government of Ethiopia’s keen interest in deepening ties with Pakistan. The Ambassador also extended his appreciation to the Government of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan for its unreserved support in realizing the opening of the Ethiopian Embassy, which further strengthened the seven decades-long Ethiopian and Pakistani bilateral diplomatic relations. Consultation with Senior Officials of Pakistan’s Foreign Ministry State Minister Ambassador Mesganu Arga met with senior officials of Pakistan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Thursday, May 11, 2023, for a briefing on current Ethiopia-Pakistan relations. The ambassador underlined in his speech that the positive relationship that is being observed in commerce and business should be encouraged in the same manner in politics. According to Ambassador Mesganu, Ethiopia is one of the developing nations that is experiencing significant economic growth, and it will give Pakistani investors the assistance they need to further expand their involvement in the economy of the country. The State Minister urged holding ministerial meetings and bilateral political consultations to improve ties between the two countries. The meeting also discussed regional peace and security issues. The senior officials of Pakistan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs expressed their delight at Ethiopia’s opening of its embassy in Islamabad. They stated that improving relations with Ethiopia and developing Pakistan’s ties to Africa depend on each other. Signing of MoU to Cooperate in Science and Technology fields Ethiopia and Pakistan signed memorandum of understanding on Friday (May 12) to cooperate in the science and technology fields. The MoU was signed between the Ministry of Science and Innovation of Ethiopia and the Ministry of Science and Technology of Pakistan. During the signing ceremony, Foziya Iman, State Minister of Science and Technology of Ethiopia, noted that the MoU laid the foundation for cooperation among science and technology development and research institutions of the two countries. The State Minister underlined that it helps to enhance the higher education institution and industry linkage programs. According to the State Minister, the two ministries are responsible for preparing a joint implementation plan within a short period of time. Zainul Abedin, Scientific Advisor of the Ministry of Science and Technology, marks the agreement as a new field of partnership between the two countries. In his statement, the advisor also reaffirmed his Government’s commitment to implement the signed document and readiness to support Ethiopia in technology transfer and knowledge sharing, such as in the pharmaceutical, textile, and chemical industries. BACK TO TOP Ethiopia, Croatia: First Bilateral Consultations Ethiopia and Croatia conducted on Wednesday, May 10, 2023, the first ever bilateral consultations at the level of the Director Generals of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of the two countries. Both sides explored ways of further strengthening bilateral cooperation. The discussion was mainly focused on an overview and prospects of bilateral relations, potentials for economic cooperation, and coordinating actions on regional and multilateral issues of common concern. The discussion was co-chaired by Ambassador Zenebe Kebede, Director General for Europe and American Affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia, and his counterpart, Petar Mihatov, Director General for Political Affairs at the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of Croatia. Discussions were aimed at identifying new areas of cooperation and working closely to elevate relations to an even higher level. Petar Mihatov informed his Ethiopian counterpart of Croatia’s decision to open its embassy in Addis Ababa to further develop relations. He stressed Croatia’s readiness to strengthen diplomatic relations with Ethiopia in the agriculture, health, tourism, transport, and logistics sectors. Strengthened cooperation and support for the implementation of the Transitional Justice Mechanism, as well as the National Dialogue, were agreed upon. Support for the implementation of the home-grown economic programme and development assistance was highlighted. Ambassador Zenebe Kebede welcomed the decision to open an embassy in Addis Ababa and explained in detail Ethiopia’s unique role in securing peace and stability in the region. He pointed out the opening up of the economy and invited Croatian businesses to benefit from the opportunities at home. Cooperation in the trade of specialty Ethiopian coffee and leather garments was highlighted. The potential for involvement in mining, mechanized agriculture, e-health and technology transfer was explored. Finally, the representatives agreed to further strengthen the relationship and elevate the bilateral talks with the inclusion of relevant Government ministries. [...]
Ethiopia officially inaugurates Embassy in Pakistan
The Ethiopian Embassy in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, was officially inaugurated on 11 May in the presence of Ambassadors and diplomatic community based in Islamabad. H.E. Ambassador Mesganu Arga, State Minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia and H.E. Hina Rabbani Khar, Minister of State of Foreign Affairs of  Pakistan cut the officiated of the opening ceremony of the embassy. In his remarks, Amb. Mesganu said the opening of the Ethiopian Embassy in Islamabad marks a new history in the diplomatic, political, economic and social cooperation between the two countries. He also noted that the embassy has achieved remarkable progress in short period in advancing bilateral cooperation in a number of fields. According to Ambassador Mesganu, apart from bilateral relations, Ethiopia considers Pakistan as a strategic partner in international issues such as climate change, immigration, security and terrorism. H.E. Hina Rabbani Khar, Minister of State of Foreign Affairs of Pakistan, mentioned that Ethiopia and Pakistan have common economic and development challenges that need the two countries’ cooperation to be solved. The State Minister also stressed that the opening of Ethiopian embassy in Islamabad will have a vital role in enhancing Pakistan’s relation with Africa . H.E. Jemal Beker, Ethiopia’s Ambassador in Pakistan, on his part said, the establishment of the embassy in Islamabad shows the Government of Ethiopia’s keen interests to deepening ties with Pakistan. The Ambassador also extends his appreciation to the Government of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan for its support to realize the opening of the embassy of Ethiopia. Ethiopia and Pakistan established formal diplomatic relations in the 1950s. [...]
Ethiopia’s “Long-Term Low Emission and Climate Resilient Strategy” (LT-LEDS) officially launched
Ethiopia’s “Long-Term Low Emission and Climate Resilient Strategy” (LT-LEDS) was officially launched earlier today at the Friendship Square. Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Ethiopia, H.E. Demeke Mekonnen, high-level government officials and stakeholders attended the event. Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister, H.E. Demeke Mekonnen, in his inaugural remarks stated the fact that climate change continues to drastically affect the livelihoods of people by inducing drought and ecological imbalance, among others. Ethiopia’s projects such as the Green Legacy Initiative (GLI) and capitalising on renewable energy sources, which Ethiopia is endowed with, are part and parcel of the climate agenda, Mr. Demeke added. He said, through the GLI Ethiopia is conducting “Green Diplomacy” in East Africa and wants to further expand the engagement at continental level. In her remarks, H.E. Dr. Fitsum Assefa, Minister of Planning and Development and a co-organizer of the event along with Ministry of Finance, said Ethiopia and other developing countries are bearing the brunt of climate change induced phenomena such as drought despite minimal contributions. The LT-LEDS needs the concerted efforts of stakeholders for its implementation and success and that developed countries and international partners should continue providing financial and technical support to this initiative, the minister noted. Excellencies Ministers Dr. Fitsum Assefa (Planning and Development) and Ahmed Shide (Finance) also presided on a panel discussion on the significance of the strategy beyond mitigating the risks of climate change and its adverse effects on livelihoods of our people. The historic launching ceremony was attended by Ministers, Ambassadors and representatives of international entities that supported the formulation of this pivotal national framework that aims to bridge Ethiopia’s sustainable development, net zero carbon growth and climate resilience objectives. The long-term planning horizon of the LT-LEDS provides an opportunity to consider interactions, synergies and trade-offs between different sectoral climate goals and national development priorities. It also provides a roadmap for long-term decarburization and climate resilient development for Ethiopia. [...]
MFA Officials and Diplomats Visited “Ethiopia Tamrit” Expo
Senior officials and mid-level diplomats from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia visited “Ethiopia Tamrit ” Expo today. “Ethiopia Tamrit ” is a Grand Industry Expo organized by the Ministry of Industry and aims to promote Ethiopia’s potential in the industry sector.  [...]
A high-level delegation from Ethiopia, led by H.E. Adem Farah, Vice President of the Prosperity Party arrived in Djibouti today for an official working visit.
A high-level delegation from Ethiopia, led by H.E. Adem Farah, Vice President of the Prosperity Party arrived in Djibouti today for an official working visit. The delegation, which includes H.E. Ambassador Mesganu Arga, State Minister for Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia was warmly welcomed by H.E. Berhanu Tsegaye, Ethiopian Ambassador to Djibouti upon arrival. During the visit, the delegation paid a courtesy call on the Executive Secretary of IGAD secretariat, Dr Workneh Gebeyehu and deliberated current affairs and regional issues of utmost importance. The State Minister for Foreign Affairs, H.E. Ambassador Mesganu Arga, underscored Ethiopia’s enduring commitment to working within IGAD to address pressing issues in the region. During the meeting, the two sides engaged in constructive discussions on the significant strides made in implementing the peace agreement, as well as topics of mutual concern, including drought, migration, and peace and security in the region. [...]
H.E. Mr. Adem Farah paid a courtesy call to H.E. Hamza Abdi Barre H.E. Sheikh Adam Mohamed Nur Madoobe.
A High-Level Ethiopian delegation led by H.E. Mr. Adem Farah, Vice President of Prosperity Party, along with H.E. Ambassador Mesganu Arga, State Minister of Foreign Affairs and other higher officials also paid a courtesy call to H.E. Hamza Abdi Barre, Prime Minister of the Federal Republic of Somalia and H.E. Sheikh Adam Mohamed Nur Madoobe, Speaker of the House of People of the Federal Parliament of Somalia. During the deliberations, ways and means of enhancing security, trade and people-to-people relations between Ethiopia and Somalia were discussed. [...]
The High-Level Ethiopian delegation led by Honourable Adem Farah, Vice President of the Prosperity Party, and former Speaker of the House of Federation arrived in Mogadishu,for a working visit to Mogadishu, Somalia.
The High-Level Ethiopian delegation led by Honourable Adem Farah, Vice President of the Prosperity Party, and former Speaker of the House of Federation arrived in Mogadishu, 05 April 2023 for a working visit to Mogadishu, Somalia. Upon arrival at Aden Ade International Airport, the delegation was warmly received by H.E. Abshir Omar Jama, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of the Federal Republic of Somalia. The delegation held a meeting with H.E. Abshir Omar Jama and discussed bilateral and regional issues of common interest. Both sides exchanged views on how to strengthen the existing cooperation, which anchors on various areas, particularly on security and commerce fields. [...]
H.E. Demeke Mekonnen conferred with H.E. Agostino Palese, Italian Ambassador to Ethiopia today (04 April 2023).
The Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia, H.E. Demeke Mekonnen conferred with H.E. Agostino Palese, Italian Ambassador to Ethiopia today (04 April 2023). H.E. Demeke briefed the Ambassador on current affairs with emphasis on the implementation of the peace agreement, the national dialogue process and the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam. He also highlighted the humanitarian assistance, rehabilitation and reconstruction operations. Ethiopia and Italy need to work closely to bolster longstanding ties on bilateral and multilateral issues of mutual concern. Ambassador Palese said, Ethiopia is a lynchpin of regional peace and stability. He reaffirmed the commitment of his government to advance multifaceted relations on common issues both at bilateral and multilateral venues. [...]
DPM & FM H.E. Demeke Mekonnen, bade farewell to the outgoing Angolan Ambassador to Ethiopia.
The Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia, H.E. Demeke Mekonnen, bade farewell to the outgoing Angolan Ambassador to Ethiopia, H.E. Francisco Jose De Druz, this morning (04 April 2023). H.E. Demeke thanked Ambassador Fransisco for his crucial contributions to expanding the relations between the two sisterly countries during his tenure. Ambassador Francisco, on his part told the H.E. Demeke, there is an increasing interest among Ethiopian businesses to explore opportunities in Angola. [...]
H.E. Mesganu Arga, earlier today (03 April 2023) received a UK parliamentary delegation led by Rt. Hon. Laurence Robertson at office.
State Minister for Foreign Affairs, H.E. Mesganu Arga Moach, earlier today (03 April 2023) received a UK parliamentary delegation led by Rt. Hon. Laurence Robertson at office. During the deliberations, the State Minister briefed the delegation on current affairs and called on them to help advance Ethiopia-UK ties in inter-parliamentary cooperation, trade, economic cooperation, investment, and infrastructural development. While capitalizing on cooperation on regional and global matters of mutual importance, Ambassador Mesganu also urged the MPs to expedite the support of the British Government in the rehabilitation and reconstruction efforts of the Federal Government in Northern Ethiopia. The parliamentarians also vowed to further strengthen the longstanding relations between the United Kingdom and Ethiopia in the aforementioned areas. Rt. Hon. Laurence Robertson is a Member of Parliament for Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire, England and UK Prime Minister’s Trade Envoy to Angola, Zambia with the addition of Ethiopia. [...]
H.E. Ato Demeke Mekonnen hosted an #Iftar dinner for all members of the diplomatic corps and international organizations.
His Excellency Ato Demeke Mekonnen HASSEN, Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Ethiopia hosted an Iftar dinner for all members of the diplomatic corps and international organizations based in Addis Ababa on 31 March 2023 at the Skylight Hotel. [...]
IGAD has recognized Commissioner General Demelash GebreMichael of the Ethiopian Federal Police.
The Intergovernmental Authority for Development (IGAD) has recognized Commissioner General Demelash GebreMichael of the Ethiopian Federal Police for his outstanding contribution to the peace and security of the region. H.E. Dr. Workneh, the Executive Secretary of IGAD presided over the recognition ceremony on 30 March 2023 at the IGAD Headquarters in Djibouti. Commissioner General Gebremichael is in Djibouti to expedite the cooperation between the police forces of Ethiopia and Djibouti, following the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in March 2021. The MoU aims to strengthen cooperation between the Ethiopian Federal Police and the Djibouti National Police Force in the fields of police personnel training and border security preparedness. During a meeting with Dr. Workneh, CG Demelash stressed the importance of conducting joint operations along the common border to combat transnational crimes such as human trafficking, migrant smuggling, and the trafficking of illicit arms and drugs that undermine the peace, security, and socio-economic interests of the Horn of Africa and beyond. To this effect, the two countries’ police forces established a Joint taskforce that will be responsible for coordinating and leading joint cooperation at identified three Operations Centers along the common border where the Joint border monitoring units will be stationed. The Ethiopian Federal Police and Djibouti National Police Force presented a proposal on the technical and material support required for the units to perform their respective operations along the common border prepared by the taskforce to the Executive Secretary. Dr. Workneh reiterated the need to combat crimes, security threats, and other illegal activities, including human trafficking, illegal arms smuggling, money laundering, and the movement of anti-peace elements. He pledged to support the taskforce in securing the peace in the HoA. The CG also met with the Chief of Staff of the National Gendarmerie, Colonel Zakaria Hassan Aden, during his visit to Djibouti’s International School for Advanced Training in Judicial Policing. [...]
H.E. Ambassador Meles Alem, delivered the bi-weekly press briefing of the Ministry earlier this morning (30 March 2023).
The Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia, H.E. Ambassador Meles Alem, delivered the bi-weekly press briefing of the Ministry to Addis-based members of the media corps earlier this morning (30 March 2023). In his presser, he principally addressed current affairs at home as well as regional and international foreign policy priorities of Ethiopia. He told the journalists, the international community is supportive of the painstaking efforts of the Government in bringing about peace and stability as well as effecting economic development. Speaking of the ongoing peace consolidation process in Ethiopia, the Spokes said, the Government of Ethiopia is undertaking measures towards cementing the dividends of peace including delisting of TPLF from the terror-list. Many investors and tourists are flocking to Ethiopia in following the cessation of hostilities in Northern Ethiopia and other key steps of the government to ensure there is durable and lasting peace in the country. He also said, Ethiopia-US relations are improving. As a result, he noted, an Ethio-American Business Forum will be held next month, which was unthinkable six months ago. On the subject of citizen-focused diplomacy, Ambassador Meles told members of the fourth estate, the Government of Ethiopia has voluntarily repatriated 125 nationals over the year, who were in dire living conditions in Saudi Arabia. In this regard, he urged the public to beware of the allure of human traffickers and work closely with the Government to curb the crisis from the source and end the suffering of our hapless nationals overseas. He also gave a brief highlight of the weekly diplomatic engagements of Excellencies Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Demeke Mekonnen and State Ministers Ambassador Mesganu Arga and Ambassador Birtukan Ayano. At the end of his briefing, the Spokesperson responded to questions raised by reporters from various media houses based in the Capital. [...]
The President of the Union of the Comoros and Chair of the African Union, H.E. Azali Assoumani arrived Addis Ababa.
The President of the Union of the Comoros and Chair of the African Union, H.E. Azali Assoumani, arrived in Addis Ababa on the evening of 29 March 2023 for a working visit to Ethiopia and the African Union Commission. Upon arrival at Bole International Airport, he was warmly welcomed by H.E. Ambassador Mesganu Arga, State Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia. [...]
H.E. Ambassador Birtukan Ayano and Deputy Director General of NISS inked the MoU.
State Minister for Foreign Affairs, H.E. Ambassador Birtukan Ayano and Deputy Director General of NISS, H.E. Taser Gebre-Egziabher inked the MoU. On the occasion, Ambassador Birtukan said the MoU is a significant document that will advance collaboration on information exchange, capacity building and other operational issues between MFA and NISS. She also stressed the urgent need to translate it into action. Mr. Tazer also echoed the fact that the MoU will enhance coordination mechanisms and cooperation between the diplomatic and intelligence sectors. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the National Intelligence and Security Services (NISS) of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) today (29 March 2023). [...]
H.E. Mesganu Arga received the Ambassador of Djibouti to Ethiopia at his office today (29 March 2023).
State Minister for Foreign Affairs H.E. Mesganu Arga received the Ambassador of Djibouti to Ethiopia, H.E. Ambassador Abdi Muhammad at his office today (29 March 2023). The State Minister highlighted the strong, longstanding relations between the two countries and emphasized the excellent ties in trade, economic cooperation as well as peace and security. He noted the symbiotic nature of Ethio-Djibouti relations and called upon the Ambassador to work closely to further expedite this towards achieving mutual prosperity.  Ambassador Mesganu also briefed the latter on current affairs and the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam. Ambassador Abdi also said that the historic relations between Djibouti and Ethiopia are multifaceted. He added, we will continue further bolstering tied in the future in various fields. [...]
Ethiopian Consulate in Puntland, Somalia repatriated 33 Ethiopian migrants from Puntland.
Ethiopian Consulate in Puntland, Somalia repatriated 33 Ethiopian migrants from Puntland in cooperation with the International Migration Organization office in Bosaso, Puntland on 29 March 2023. Consul General, H.E. Dagnachew Yitbarek said, among the returnees are 12 women, 17 men and 4 children. He noted, the migrants were illegally brought into Puntland by human traffickers and have been subjected to abuse and exploitation by the trafficker ring. He added, illegal migration across our national borders is life threatening. As such, he urged the youth to avoid falling victims to brokers and human traffickers that goad them to their undeserved deaths. [...]
H.E. Ambassador Eshete Tilahun held political consultation with H.E. Andžejs Viļumsons.
H.E. Ambassador Eshete Tilahun, Director General of Europe and American Affairs of Ministry of Foreign Affairs held political consultation with H.E. Andžejs Viļumsons Under-Secretary of State – Political Director at the Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs on ways of enhancing cooperation at bilateral and multilateral venues. During the deliberations, Ambassador Eshete briefed Mr. Vilumsons on current affairs including the ongoing peace process and the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam. He said, #Latvia plays an important role in the European Union as well as the #Baltic Sea region. He said, Ethiopia and Latvia need to work closely to elevate relations. The consultation was concluded with the two sides agreeing to cooperate in key bilateral areas such as air service, agriculture, education, ICT, tourism and water resource management. They also reaffirmed the commitment of their respective Governments to work closely on global issues of mutual importance such as climate change, migration as well as peace and security. [...]
His Excellency Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed addressed the 11th Regular Session of the House of Peoples’ Representatives earlier today (28 March 28, 2023)
His Excellency Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed addressed the 11th Regular Session of the House of Peoples’ Representatives earlier today (28 March 28, 2023). In the televised address, the Prime Minister responded to questions raised by parliamentarians. Among others, he put forth the firm position of the Government of Ethiopia on matters pertaining to peace, democracy, economy and other various undertakings. Speaking of #peace, the Premier noted, peace entails everyone standing at the forefront in pursuing it. He added, while peace is relative, there are many initiatives that are in progress to bring about durable peace. The commitment of the Government of Ethiopia to bring a peaceful resolution to the #OLA #Shene issue while ensuring that no further bloodshed occurs in tandem with pursuing dialogue is a case in point, the Prime Minister told the MPs. Alluding to the collective efforts to build a vibrant democracy, Prime Minister Abiy said, we as a nation need to ponder sustaining these efforts even in the face of challenges. He reiterated the fact that a path contrary to this one is detrimental to fellow Ethiopians. Through the 3rd flagship “Dine for Generations” initiative, he cited, tourist destinations will be properly developed in locales such as Gheralta, Hayk, Jimma, Afar, Arba Minch and Somali region while developments in Benishangul Gumuz and South West regions will be overseen be private investments to expand the tourism sector. Speaking the economy in light of the global economy, the Prime Minister noted, Ethiopia’s economy is constantly growing. He said, as our ties with the international community flourish miscellaneous disruptions tend to affect us and that we need to address four major priorities in this regard: Debt accumulation, rising cost of living, infrastructural gaps and imbalances in demand and supply. [...]
H.E. Demeke Mekonnen received the President of World Anti-doping Agency Witold Bańka earlier today (27 March 2023).
The Deputy Prime Minister and Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, H.E. Demeke Mekonnen received the President of World Anti-doping Agency Witold Bańka earlier today (27 March 2023). Mr. Demeke Mekonnen said sport is one the tools of diplomacy that play important role to enhance cooperation between and among nations. He told Mr. Bańka, Ethiopia is home to elite, world-class athletes and that the Government of Ethiopia will hand-in-hand with all stakeholders including WADA in the fight against doping President of WADA, on the other hand, lauded the efforts to Ethiopia to contain the impact of doping in sports and reaffirmed continued support to strengthen institutional capacity. [...]
Ethiopia participated in a two-day (23-24 March 2023) “High-Level Dialogue on Nutrition Financing”
Ethiopia participated in a two-day (23-24 March 2023) “High-Level Dialogue on Nutrition Financing” in Maseru hosted by His Majesty King Letsie III  of Lesotho, who is  African Union Champion for #Nutrition in collaboration with AU Commission. In an intervention during the dialogue session, Mrs. Nardos Ayalew, Representative of Ministry of foreign Affairs of Ethiopia noted, for countries like Ethiopia with a population of over 120 million and certain areas experiencing recurrent drought food security and nutrition are key agenda of the government She said, the GoE has accordingly allocated sufficient resources for a number of projects and initiatives addressing food self-sufficiency. She added, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed actively champions the Comprehensive Africa Agricultural Programme (#CAADP). and the Ethiopian Government is also working closely with African Union and other partners and key stakeholders to realize continental objectives on agricultural development and food security, Mrs. Nardos added. Among others, the Representative highlighted “Yelemat Tirufat” (Bounty of the Basket) development campaigned championed by the Premiere to achieve nutritional opulence while increasing export earnings, ensuring food and nutrition security, and substitute imported products. She also reaffirmed the continued commitment of Ethiopia to end stunting among children under below the age of two by 2030 under the rubric of “The Seqota Declaration.” The event provided an opportunity to discuss ways for public private partnerships to mobilize necessary finances mostly from national resources to support projects and initiative that can transform the food system to reduce malnutrition and food security in Africa. [...]
Ethiopia and Djibouti reached an agreement on the completion of a road that links the two countries
Ethiopia and Djibouti reached an agreement (23 March 2023) on the completion of a road that links the two countries. The 35 kilometer road between Galamo and Moloud will enable the smooth circulation of vehicles and cargo, enhancing transportation between the two countries.  The agreement ensures that the Galamo-Moloud road will be completed within a year, with appropriate payments being provided to the Ethiopian Construction Works Corporation (ECWC). The agreement was reached during the visit of H.E. Dr. Alemu Simie, Minister of Transport and Logistics to Djibouti. During the visit, Dr. Alemu met with Djibouti President H.E. Ismail Omar guelleh and President of Djibouti Ports and Free Zones Authority Aboubaker Omar Hadi to speed up the completion of the project. [...]
H.E. Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed book launching ceremony was held at the Friendship Park.
A book launching ceremony for the English translation of the latest book by H.E. Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed Ali, Generation Medemer for Addis Ababa based members of the diplomatic was held today (23 March 2023) at the Friendship Park. The event was jointly organized by Prime Minister Office and Ministry of foreign Affairs of Ethiopia. Addis-based Ambassadors, diplomats and other members of the international community graced the inaugural ceremony. [...]
H.E. Ambassador Meles Alem, gave the Ministry’s biweekly press briefing today (16 March 2023) to the media.
US Secretary of State @SecBlinken visit to Ethiopia was a significant step toward rebuilding & revitalizing relations between Ethiopia & the US. Ambassador Meles Alem, Spokesperson for Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia, stated this today during the Ministry’s biweekly news briefing. According to Ambassador Meles, during his stay in Ethiopia, Mr. Blinken announced a $331 m support to humanitarian aid & met with a number of individuals, besides senior Gov’t officials, to discuss the implementation of the CoHA & accountability through the Transitional Justice mechanism. The Spokesperson also mentioned Prime Minister H.E. Dr. Abiy Ahmed’s one-day visit to South Sudan, during which he held fruitful deliberations with President H.E. Salva Kiir Mayardit and First Vice President H.E. Riek Machar. Ambassador Meles said the goal of the visit was to encourage the parties to the Revitalized Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in South Sudan (R-ARCSS) to settle any issues that resulted from the agreement’s implementation through dialogue. In discussing forthcoming key events, Ambassador Meles said that the 7th national joint forum designed to address the challenges of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) inflows in Ethiopia will begin next week on Tuesday. [...]

